
My name is Claudia, I was Born in Italy and I lived in the UK for 20 years.

I am now happily living in Australia with my partner and my little daughter Skye, doing what I love the most: teaching and practising yoga and mat pilates !

Yoga has been a part of my life for over ten years and my practice has helped me grow stronger, more flexible and focused.

I certified as yoga teacher in Rishikesh, a holy town in India,  where I focused on Vinyasa yoga.

My passion for breath and movement connection, has inspired me to also become a Mat Pilates teacher.

I qualified through Polestar Pilates Australia.

I engage deeply with my students and my classes are thoughtfully sequenced.

In my yoga classes with creative flows and sequencing, I guide my students to deepen their practice, ensuring they step off the mat feeling refreshed, nourished and balanced.

The mat pilates classes, include many different modifications and variations that make it accessible to everyone.

The classes combine strenght,coordination,balance, flexibility and mobility.

​I strive to help my students to feel comfortable and safe in their practice.

I enjoy inspiring others to improve wellness and commit to long term health and fitness goals.

I aim to provide yoga and pilates students with clear alignment instructions, comforting hands-on adjustments and an inviting yoga and pilates practice.